With our large audience visiting Daily we are capable of helping upcoming Brands and business firms,and other individual owned businesses advertise their products, services and website on our platform, we also help upcoming Artist to upload their songs this platform.

5. Two Months $240
6. Three Months $360
7. Four Months $450
8. Five Months $550
9. Six Month $670
10. One Year $1000
11. Sponsored Post ($200)(One Time Payment)
For Music and Video Promo is a one time payment fee of ($30).
Music and Videos will be promoted both on our social media platforms.
Forms Of Advert
We Offer Forms of many Advertisement.
Text Ads: A Text Format Link Shown on our Mobile Site Pages on every page.
Sponsored Post: Do you have any Product or Render any Services you want the World to know about? You can get a Post on our Website, this post will be pinned as one of the top post of the Month for its first month of being posted and after a Year you can terminate or renew your subscription.
Banner Ads Placement: images of various size will be placed on parts of our website for your Subscribed Amount we offer Pc Ads Banners (728×90, 300×600, 300×250, 336×280) Skyscraper ads format , Mobile Banners (728×90, 320×100, 300×250) Interstitial and many more.
Payment Method
1. Bank Deposit
Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank Plc
Account Name: Biriala Goodday Thomas
Account Number: 0165344673
2. Online Payment
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